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12:00 am
Hi Ovidiu,
cronjobs are running well so far. There is only one problem left: For costumized cronjobs I have left backup name blank as I want to have the date in my backup file names, what seems to be impossible by choosing a customized backup file name. From server side I have running all my cronjobs at 3 a clock in the morning. My server runs the jobs one after another without any problem. But xCloner automatically names all backups equal name_date_03_00. That means each backup is overwritten by the next cronjob. Finally there is only the backup of my last cronjob left. Is there any possibility to modify manually a costumized cron configuration file in a way to have backups named individually and have date and time added automatically? That would be perfect
12:00 am
Hi Ovidiu,
since I use those costumized backup file names I cannot download the files via ftp anymore. This means I get the files but the files are always empty. I only receive a complete file if I use the download tool of my server panel. But files that I back up to a remote ftp server are worthless as I cannot use them anymore though they show as complete files on the ftp server. I did not have this problem using the default file naming and I do not have it with my database backup tool files and any other files at all. How does it come?
12:00 am
Meanwhile I've found out what went wrong. My ftp client is filezilla and it cannot read double points like this : in file names, other ftp clients obviously can.
So I had to change the time stamp in line 105 of cloner.cron.php from "Y-m-d H:i" to something like this "Y-m-d H-i".
(Downloading files my server panel changes double points in file names by default.)
12:00 am
Hi Ovidiu,
in my costumized cron files I cannot use different numbers of days for deleting backup files. Some backups I want to be deleted after 14 days others after 28 days. But xcloner deletes every file that is older than 14 days as it doesn't recognize different file names and saves all its backup files in /home/user/administrator/backups/.
I tried to change line 4 in my costumized cron files:
XCloner does backup into these special folders but it takes hours and the backups must be corrupted as they are much bigger than the original.
Is there a possibility to solve that problem or do I have to keep all my backups for the same period of time?
12:00 am
Does it mean that backup store path is saved to other xcloner program files apart from a config file? In this case please let me know in which files/which lines I have to change backup store path as well.
My explanation:
Changing an existing config file on xcloner screen by filling in its file name again and saving it again does not work properly. The changements are not correctly saved. I have tried this several times. On the other hand it is quite uncomfortable and takes much time to create config files in xcloner from scratch with all the exclusions and different settings, that I have to fill in. That's why I prefer to edit existing config files (and the possibly depending other files) and change them manually.
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