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12:00 am
There is an issue with the Temp Path variable in the XCloner Beta. Ideally, there should be a configuration variable for the temp path directory just like the Backup Store Path. The reason for this is if you point the Backup Path Start path above the root the Temp Path is no longer mapped correctly.
Example #1 (these settings work)
Backup Start Path (public root):
Backup Store Path:
Temp Path (as reported in Info Pane): /home/content/mydirectory/public_html/administrator/backups
Example #2 (these settings do not work)
Backup Start Path (above public root):
Backup Store Path:
Temp Path (as reported in Info Pane): /home/content/mydirectory//administrator/backups
Note: Temp path now has two "/" "/" slashes and doesn't include teh public root directory at all. Thus, the program fails because the temp directory is not present.
12:00 am
Hi there! The temp path is always composed from the
Backup Start Path + "/administrator/backups"
Notice that the administrator/backups directory needs to always be created under your start path because there XCloner stores the database backup and some other important restore files
So if you plan on using the "/home/content/mydirectory" as your start path, then you need to create these 2 directories
and make the backups one writeable, 777 permissions!
Hope it helps! Ovidiu
12:00 am
Well, I tried one other thing that seems to solve the issue. It appears that you also have to move the backup store path up a directory level directory (even if mapped correctly in the settings).
Thus, this configuration works for above the public root cases:
In XCloner Settings:
Backup Start Path (above public root):
Backup Store Path (above public root):
Then create these directories:
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