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Love it but why only one backup at any time?
February 26, 2013
8:05 pm
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
February 26, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I can't begin to explain how relieved i was to find Xcloner. I must have tried pretty much every other backup plugin for WP. My host does not allow WP-cron and is a general pain in the ... anyway, I seem to have automatic backups being generated ok and sent over to Amazon S3 (which is all new to me). However, can anyone explain why there is only ever one zipped bundle at any time. Each time I do a backup (by cron) it simply replaces the previous backup. So, the backup is made under Public, Admin, Backup and this is then sent to S3. At both the host FTP and the S3 end the same backup appears, replacing the older version. I need to keep 2 weeks work of backups. i have altered the settings in Xcloner but nothing seems to alter whether previous backups are included or not. I would have expected the button to include previous backups to have done something but it doesn't. Any thoughts or advice,





February 26, 2013
8:38 pm
Ovidiu Liuta
Forum Posts: 2484
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September 26, 2010
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That's probably because you've used a custom name for the backup, if you want to generare a unique name , simply leave the backup field name empty! Hope it helps...

February 26, 2013
11:54 pm
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
February 26, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

That did help. Thank you very much. Now each backup is seperate within the FTP admin  backup folder. Unfortunately, it has thrown up another problem. The first new backup is created in the FTP admin backup folder and is transfered to S3. However, when a second backup is created in the FTP admin backup folder it is not transfered to S3. In order for the next backup to be transfered to S3 i need to manually delete the orginainal backup in my FTP folder. Again, I've tried altering different settings but can't find the solution. Can you help?





February 27, 2013
6:28 am
Ovidiu Liuta
Forum Posts: 2484
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September 26, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Do you have a cron log output from when the second backup run? are there any errors?

February 27, 2013
11:46 am
Forum Posts: 4
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February 26, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I woke up this mornig to find that the automatic backup to S3 by cron had worked without any problem. The backup was created in the FTP and had been copied over to S3 ok. I can only think that the reason it did not work before is that I was using the test command function for the scheduled task rather than letting it fire at the right time naturally. 


Oh!!!! i just tested the 'test command'  function again to see if it did the same as last night and it did not. If simply ran the cron correctly and a backup was created in S3. For whatever reason last night it would not transfer over to S3 if another copy existed in FTP. Now it doesn't seem to matter. I swear the only thing different is i have left it alone to run a full natural cron in the mean time. Oh well, so long as it is working now. 


The log of the failed cron was only generated by my cpanel and not emailed to me so i dont have a copy i'm afraid. I only have emailed copies of logs of successful backups. 


May I ask, the 'delete old backups' function in the cron settings, does this just remove the old ackups from the FTP files or does it also instruct S3 to remove? I guess I can get S3 to remove older files using the Lifecycle function. 


Thank you for such rapid help. 


Best wishes,



February 27, 2013
11:55 am
Ovidiu Liuta
Forum Posts: 2484
Member Since:
September 26, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

The delete option only deletes the backups from the local or ftp server if ftp transfer was enabled, it does not delete S3 backups!


And yes, the LifeCycle option from the S3 service is the best way to go! Ovidiu

February 27, 2013
11:58 am
Forum Posts: 4
Member Since:
February 26, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Much appreciated! Thanks Ovidiu

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